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Our Team Kidney Moves Page

Team Kidney Beans

Team Kidney Beans

Why We Move

Right now, 37 million American adults are living with kidney disease. We move because 1 in 3 people are at risk for kidney disease. We move because more than 1 in 7 people have it but aren’t aware. One of these people that have it, happens to be my daughter Janis.

First off, we'd like to thank everyone for all the prayers, not just for Janis but also for my daughter Azury now that she will be Janis' kidney donor. We have definitely felt the power of them. Azury will not be running the marathon this year, but I will be continuing the tradition in an effort to raise funds and awareness for kidney disease in their honor.

The National Kidney Foundation was the first to identify kidney disease as a distinct, treatable illness. They developed the staged system of kidney disease diagnosis and treatment – a worldwide standard today – and release and update treatment guidelines to improve patient care. We want to support the NK Foundation in an effort to help with all the work they are already doing.

There are a few of different ways you can support our cause. First, would be to donate directly to the National Kidney Foundation on our fundraising page here. Any and every donation is appreciated. Second, would be to join me in the 5K run or half marathon this October! I would love to experience it together! This is our official fundraising page BUT if you'd like to register and join our running team, the link will be below.

2025 Long Beach Marathon & Half Marathon
To register with our team, fill in "Team Kidney Beans" under team. Password: Mipinces90035

Lastly, if you'd like to support us by coming out to the 5K and/or half marathon, we could use all the encouragement along the way! Bring your posters and energy boosters! 

We never imagined we'd be here, but it's so much easier to go through everything with God and all of you by our side. Thank you for all your support!



raised of $1,500 goal

8 Fundraisers

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