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My 2024 TCS New York City Marathon Fundraising Page

Angelina Monti

Angelina Monti

This fall I am super excited running my third New York City Marathon in support of the kidney foundation! Most of my friends and family who have donated in the past know that this is a new charity for me, but it is a really special one. 

In two weeks I will be running my 13th marathon in Virginia, marathon training is an animal to take on, especially year after year. I wouldn't be able to put the miles in without the incredible support crew I have behind me. My number one supporter is my stepmom, Noreen. She's the first person to say yes to hopping on a plane to go run across the country, and she's the first person waiting for me as I cross the finish line. She's one of my best friends, and the most caring and selfless person you will meet. 

To those of you that know her, it comes as no surprise that when her boss needed a kidney last fall, Noreen didn't hesitate. While the rest of us were traveling to celebrate thanksgiving with our families in 2022, Noreen was on her way home from the hospital. Kidney donation is NO JOKE, I saw it first hand, but you never heard any complaints from Noreen. She didn't think twice about a surgery that most people wouldn't even consider. 

I am running my NYC marathon in honor of Noreen. It's the least I can do, for all that she has done for me over the years. Any support would be greatly appreciated, no donation is too small!

Why I Run

Right now, 37 million American adults are living with kidney disease, and I’m not okay with that. I walk because 1 in 3 people are at risk for kidney disease. I run because more than 1 in 7 people have it but aren’t aware.

I walk to raise funds that support the National Kidney Foundation, who was the first to identify kidney disease as a distinct, treatable illness. They developed the staged system of kidney disease diagnosis and treatment – a worldwide standard today – and release and update treatment guidelines to improve patient care.

Join me in making these advances possible by donating to my efforts!

Thank you for your support!


raised of $3,000 goal

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